"We did not think of the great open plains, the beautiful rolling hills, and winding streams with tangled growth as "wild". To us it was tame. Earth was bountiful and we were surrounded with the blessings of the Great Mystery."

Luther Standing Bear - Rosebud Sioux

Guardian of the Water Medicine

Guardian of the Water Medicine
Dale Auger

Dale Auger

Dale Auger: On Art, Blood and Kindred Spirits
by Terri Mason

Defining Dale Auger in one sentence is akin to releasing the colours of a diamond in one cut. It can’t be done. It’s the many facets that release a diamond’s true brilliance, as it is the many facets of Auger’s life, education, ancestry, experiences and beliefs that have shaped and polished his work into the internationally acclaimed and collected artist that he is today.

Born a Sakaw Cree from the Bigstone Cree Nation in northern Alberta, Auger’s education began as a young boy when his mother would take him to be with the elders. “I used to say to myself, ‘Why is she leaving me with these old people?’ – but today I see the reason; I was being taught in the old way.”

Auger’s respect for traditional teachings led him on a journey to study art, opening the door to a doctorate in education. He is a talented playwright, speaker and visual artist whose vividly coloured acrylics have captured the attention of collectors that reads like an international ‘Who’s Who’ spanning English to Hollywood royalty. The essence of his work is communication, and now Dr. Auger has come full circle, interpreting the life of his culture – from the everyday to the sacred - through the cross-cultural medium of art.

Read the rest here:


Friday, March 14, 2008

Should tribes consider ditching blood requirements?

By: Jodi Rave

PHILADELPHIA - Some of the greatest legal scholars of our time recently sat in judgment of a hypothetical court case, asked to determine the fairness of a futuristic race-based affirmative action program.

As I listened from the audience, the scenario - set four years into the future - seemed too familiar. The lawyers, professors and judges made arguments and fired questions about a university admissions test that relied on DNA testing as proof of students' connection to a cultural heritage.

The case: Should a male student who grew up in an African-American community be given more or less consideration for adding diversity to a university campus, compared to a female student adopted by whites and raised in a white-and-wealthy neighborhood?

What if a DNA lab report showed the first student's genetic makeup as 24 percent black versus the female student, whose report showed she was genetically 26 percent Asian and black?

A Peter Jennings Project journalism fellowship recently led me to the National Constitution Center, where I had the chance to meet and listen to legal experts like Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Harvard Law School Dean Elena Kagan and Stanford Law School professor Kathleen Sullivan.

Sullivan argued the moot case before a panel of judges. She represented the young man who grew up in a 95 percent black neighborhood, while professor Charles Ogletree of Harvard Law School defended the woman who recently discovered her black-Asian genetic makeup.

The argument central to this case asked whether the mechanics of a blood test should trump diversity acquired through living in a culturally ethnic community.

As the mock hearing neared its end, it was clear which lawyer would claim victory.

Read more here: http://www.missoulian.com/articles/2008/03/14/jodirave/rave15.txt

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