By: Pamela Waterbird Davison
copyright 2007
“It does not take many words to speak the truth.” This quote has been attributed to many historical figures in North American Indian country. Chief Joseph, Nez Perce, and Black Elk, Lakota, both have been claimed to utter these words. Most likely every leader within the sovereign nations has probably said something along these lines at some point or another.
“It does not take many words to speak the truth.” It does take courage and conviction of what is right and wrong. These words belong to the people. If I speak an untruth it not only hurts everyone around me, it also damages my relationship with Great Mystery, for I have vowed to be a warrior of truth, and a warrior never forgets a vow.
“It does not take many words to speak the truth.” It cannot be justified by half-truths, explained away by circumstance, excused by incident. Truth knows no prejudice and is not fooled by arrogance. It is no accident nor will it be denied.
“It does not take many words to speak the truth.” And I am not afraid.